Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hains Point

Had an awesome 8-miler this morning before class. This week is my first "drop" mileage week of my BRM training program, so eight is actually my long run for the week. This morning I ran out to Hains Point, through East Potomac Park. I've run there before, but this morning felt particularly special.

I started in downtown DC at rush hour, surrounded by buzzing engines, honking horns and angry commuters. As I ran out towards East Potomac Park, traffic became spare and pedestrians few and far between. I soon found myself virtually alone, running along the river, just me and the geese. I was immediately struck at just how quiet and peaceful it was. There was a constant rumble of planes coming and going from Reagan, but besides that, no traffic, no honking, no sirens...just quiet. The weather was perfectly chilly with fog rising off the golf course and snow still hiding in the shadows. I settled into an effortless lope and just ran, not really caring where I was or how long until I got "there".

The run this morning was perfect. This is why I run. Wonderful moments like these can be hard to come by, and are even harder to describe to someone else. But once you find them, you'll understand why people run. Why this hobby that seems so strange and so boring can be oh so amazing.

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